Create sketchbook pages full to brimming with small / medium sized 'primary' drawings of your subject matter. A students - 4 pages+ / C students - 2 pages / E - students - 1 page.
Primary drawings are direct from photos or real life - not from other illustrators' work.
Primary drawings are direct from photos or real life - not from other illustrators' work.
Photograph the pages and post them to your blog.
Post title- Drawing subject matter.
Post title- Drawing subject matter.
Checklist for assessment
Full, bustling pages / detail / obvious investment of time / different approaches to drawing
Time needed
2 hrs+
Start of lesson, Tuesday 14th June.Here's a little tip. Don't let your brain trick you into giving up as soon as your reach your first drawing hurdle. Keep on going and make a busy, messy drawing if you wish. Just don't throw away until all avenues have been exhausted. If you are drawing a load of smallish drawings, cram your page with examples. You will be amazed at how effective they look all huddled together.