Thursday, 26 May 2016

Subject Matter Drawings

You will need to evidence that you have looked hard at the world around you. You can do this by drawing from life, your own photos or web reference (pin boards?)

Create sketchbook pages full to brimming with small / medium sized 'primary' drawings of your subject matter. A students - 4 pages+ / C students - 2 pages / E - students - 1 page.
Primary drawings are direct from photos or real life - not from other illustrators' work.

Photograph the pages and post them to your blog. 
Post title- Drawing subject matter.

Checklist for assessment
Full, bustling pages / detail / obvious investment of time / different approaches to drawing

Time needed
2 hrs+

Start of lesson, Tuesday 14th June.

Here's a little tip. Don't let your brain trick you into giving up as soon as your reach your first drawing hurdle. Keep on going and make a busy, messy drawing if you wish. Just don't throw away until all avenues have been exhausted. If you are drawing a load of smallish drawings, cram your page with examples. You will be amazed at how effective they look all huddled together.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Conventions of the form

To increase your understanding of the elements needed to create a successful artefact. The 'form' relates to the artefact that you are making for unit 1. Graphics products have various 'forms': game covers, packaging, magazines etc.


In any medium you wish (by hand in your sketchbook, Google presentation etc), annotate one or more examples of artefacts to indicate the elements that are typical included.

If you find that there is not much on a single digipak or book cover, use a few different examples - especially if you are aiming for an A or B.

You will get more marks for your own research (Wem library?) But if you are struggling for Children's book spreads there is a link HERE 

Checklist for assessment 
Every element included and a clear, presentation.

Frankie has produced a clear version on children's books HERE

Post to your blog straight away — even if unfinished. Size: 720 x 420px

Time needed 

2 hrs

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Scamps of other desginers' work

To further understand the part white space and layout plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.

Gather a range of similar artefacts. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
Draw them in your sketchbook.
Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys in to either light or dark tones. See my measly example above.
The images above are of magazines - not book covers, or CD Digipaks or Children's book covers but you get the gist.

Remember, you can to look at my PINBOARDS if you are struggling for examples...

See my example above.

Checklist for assessment

12 examples.

Time needed
Two hours.



Friday, 13 May 2016

Pinterest research

To create a space where you can collect research from your chosen project.
To allow easy access to the pinboards from your blog.

Create 3 Unit 1 boards in Pinterest. To begin with you are to pin loads of images on the 'Inspiration' and 'Similar Artefacts' boards. Leave the subject matter one for a while.

Inspiration (stuff you like at the moment)
Similar Artefacts (if you are designing a book cover, this will be full of book covers)
Subject Matter (If your artefact is about fish, this will be full of fish)

Create links at the top of your blog for each of the 3 boards. See the image below. If you don't know how to create page links (not posts) watch the tutorial below.

Checklist for assessment
3 linked boards. First two have loads of pins.

Time needed

1 hr.


Thursday, 12 May 2016


To allow you to retrieve and create a wealth of ideas for your unit 1 project.

1. Create a post for the brief. Either copy in my example or write your own.

2. In your sketchbook, brainstorm all of the possible ideas / associations that you associate with your story / lyrics / title / synopsis / brand.
This could be evidenced in many forms:

Children's book cover - print the story out, double spaced and annotate in the margins. Highlight key scenes and subject matter that could be used on the cover.
Game cover - start with a few words in the middle of a page. For Epic City Limits is would write the 'name' of the game, 'city', 'jobs', 'youths' etc. Then, using a thesaurus, branch out with connections.
Digipak - brainstorm the name of the album... and print off lyrics by a similar band or singer and annotate them in the margins. 
Packaging design - Brainstorm the name of the product... and the overall 'feel' or 'message' of the product.

Checklist for assessment
Loads of interesting ideas.

Time needed
1 hr

Will be after science exam.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Briefs for Unit 1

Links to the stories below - very short!.
What The Ladybird Heard   /   Winston Was Worried    /    Tiny's Big Adventure   /   Mr Big

Create a Unit 1 Blog

Remember! You don't have to create a new account, just another blog on your existing account. Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on New Blog.

Blog Title: Your name Unit 1 Graphics GCSE
URL: yournameunit1graphicsgcse
'Simple', white template.

Then create a new header either by hand or using Photoshop. 900 x 300px.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Unit one, A* Bogs

Below are links to some Comp 1 Blogs that achieved an A*. Take a look and aim for better!

Frankie   Michael    Holly   Olivia-Anna   Heather